Theresa & Andy has a gorgeous intimate wedding at the Daintree Eco Lodge.
They are such a beautiful couple, and very talented. The wedding was small and very casual…
…Theresa ironed Andy’s pants before they walked up to the waterfall at the Eco Lodge where their families and celebrant Tash Kollosche were waiting.
Theresa’s Dad tied the couple together
and Andy’s brother read a story special to the couple.
Theresa made the cake herself.
Everyone loved it…
..and had blue tongues to show for it.
Such a special couple – I was privileged to be a part of it all.
Everyone loved the cake as well as the photographer
But it was my dad tying the knot, rather than Andy’s.
Thanks again for so many gorgeous photos, and for being so wonderful on the day!
Andy, I can’t believe we had the same photographer and celebrant! Love the photos especially the blue tongue! I’m a bit jealous that you managed a holiday during your PhD! Great work Ali, you captured the moment so well x