Simply put, Rachael is one of the most beautiful brides I have seen.
On the morning of November 12th, the girls’ room in the Sea Temple was humming with activity and people. The bridesmaids all wore pink silk dressing gowns to match Rachael’s white one.
This wedding was a blast!
So much goes on during preparations, hair, makeup, bridesmaids bridesmaiding, mothers mothering, friends loving and laughing…
and of course the bride, and the dress
Every now and then there can be a little mishap – like a mark on a dress, but the day sailed on smoothly and no-one batted an extended eyelashed lid.
The make up artist was a true artist.
Everyone took a turn in this chair to have hair done, but not all could watch the progress..
Meanwhile, the boys were moving from one room to another,
swimming, playing,
enjoying the day – not too concerned with getting dressed.
Back to the girls and the buzz of activity
With the beautiful flowers by Blush
and the fabulous Zoe Day on hand to make sure everything runs smoothly.
And then it was time for Rachael to get dressed…
and go to St Mary’s by the Sea, Port Douglas’ gorgeous little church.
Videographer Rob Cooke was on hand to capture the whole day .
When Charlie saw Rachael walking down that aisle…
Charlie and Rachael’s son was the ring bearer
After all the congratulations were said, and all the petals were thrown, we went with the bridal party over to the park. Here are the gorgeous bridesmaids.
We then all had a break for an hour, while the sun was still harsh and met again just before the reception was due to begin at the Links Golf Club.
After some fun with the whole bridal party, we left them to start on the champagne and went off for some Charlie and Rachael photos
The bridesmaids were waiting and ready for the entrance
into a fantastic reception.
The night was fabulous – laughs, tears, speeches and lots and lots of singing and dancing.
The two fathers.
Congratulations Rachael and Charlie, it was an absolutely stunning wedding!!
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